Dear Asbury & Wesley Oak Family,
I've just returned from the sanctuary of Asbury Memorial, and I must tell you that it has never looked more inspiring. Randy Canady has done a beautiful job of setting up the Christmas Poinsettias that will be on display this Sunday. Thank you to all who gave Poinsettias in memory or in honor of Loved Ones. Represented by a Poinsettia on the stage will be a legendary English teacher, a career FBI agent, a master pianist, a creative dancer, an inspiring Youth Leader, the world's greatest salesman, and a man who had two funerals because he was thought to have been killed in battle but had been a prisoner of war. These are just some of the lives that will be represented by the Poinsettias on Sunday.
Strips of Cloth/Cloth for the Cradle
On the first Sunday of Advent, the congregation received a strip of cloth to carry with them throughout the Advent season. The cloth is a symbolic reminder of the Light of Christ coming into the world. Traditionally, the strips are brought forward by the congregation during the service on the fourth Sunday of Advent to be placed in the manger. This year, however, you can hold on to the cloth a little longer. We will not be placing them in the manger this Sunday, but at the Christmas Eve Service, instead. So, if you have yet to get a strip of cloth, you can do so this Sunday. Then bring it back to church on Christmas Eve to be placed in the cradle.
Christmas Eve Service
We will be having an "in person" Christmas Eve Service this year! The service, however, will be a little different from what we have done in the past. It's even starting at a different time — 6:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm. Due to Covid, we will not have our liturgical dancers with us this year. However, the Asbury Choir will be leading us in a very meaningful service that will include Holy Communion and a candle-light ritual. The Service will be Live Streamed for those who cannot attend or who would like to experience it again. 
Christmas Caroling in the Neighborhood on the 24th
Following the Christmas Eve Service, we'll gather in the courtyard and walk to homes in the neighborhood to sing Christmas carols...everything from Jingle Bells, Silent Night, and Joy to the World, to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. This is a tradition we've done for almost 30 years. Hope you will join us! 
Children's Nursery & Children's Church
Just a reminder to all parents and grandparents that we have started back with our programs for children. Our nursery will be available for infants and toddlers, and we'll also have Children's Church for elementary age children. People working with our children will be vaccinated and will wear masks. Children older than two years old are also to wear a mask. 
Wesley Oak is also offering nursery care and Children's Church during the 9:30 a.m. service.
You may not be a parent or grandparent, but you may know of a family with children who do not have a church. Please invite them to one of our church services and programs for children.
If you have any questions, call the church office or contact Ellie Covington, our Director of Children and Family Ministries.
Coffee Hour in the Courtyard!
We are now having coffee and hot chocolate in the courtyard after our Sunday services (weather permitting). It has been so good getting to spend time reconnecting with everyone. We hope you will stay and fellowship with us as we sip our warm beverages together. Be sure to say "Hi" to Candace Jenkins, our Connections Coordinator, who will be under the tent in the courtyard. 
A Word about Year-End Giving
At Asbury, your generosity makes everything possible. I'm proud of the process by which our budget is set, the integrity with which your money is handled, and the way it is used to make ministry happen and to make a difference in people's lives. You have a terrific Finance Committee and Stewardship Team.
I know that some of you may be completing your pledges for 2021 between now and the end of the year. You may also be planning to make special year-end gifts.
You can make a year-end gift using our online platform. If you want to pay by check, you can simply mail it to the church...just be sure it is postmarked no later than December 31, 2021. Your year-end gift can also be brought directly to the church office. Keep in mind that the office will be closed the week after Christmas.
Fourth Sunday of Advent Service
The Swanger family (Stephen, Alex, and baby David) will be lighting the Advent Candle for us this week. The choir will be singing another one of my favorite songs, Child of God. We'll also be singing some great hymns. Rev. Marich will be leading us in prayer. The sermon title is Making Room for Yourself and the text is: Luke 1:39-45. By the way, rumor has it that a very special guest will be making an appearance at the Children's Moment this Sunday! 
It's going to be another great Asbury service!
Hope to see you on the corner of Henry Street and Waters Avenue!
In Christ’s love,