
Dear Church Family, 

I've heard that some of you have been following in theologian Howard Thurman's footsteps and have been getting real close to trees this week. Good for you! Hope it has been a blessing for you. 
Last Sunday's sermon, Silence & Creation, is being followed by a sermon this Sunday titled, Silence & Solitude. I know we've been talking about being alone with God throughout this series about spending time in silence with God. However, I want to emphasize the importance of making this alone time a priority and share with you why this time of solitude is so very important, not only for your life, but for the lives of others and for the future of the world.
Sounds like it's going to be an important message this Sunday, doesn't it? It is! 
There are MORE important things happening on Sunday. Such as:

New Members Joining the Church

I hope you can be present to welcome our new members into the Asbury Memorial Wesley Oak Church family. Candace Jenkins and I have had the pleasure of meeting with these great folks the past two Sundays after church. Be sure to welcome them when you go to the BIG Coffee Hour after the service. Our new members will be wearing red carnations so you can easily recognize them.

Holy Communion

We'll also be celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday. If you will be worshipping online, please join us for the Lord's Supper. All you will need in order to participate is a small piece of bread or a cracker and a small cup of juice or water.

BIG Coffee Hour

As I said, there is a lot happening on Sunday. Since it is the first Sunday of the month, we'll also be having our "BIG" Coffee Hour this week. For our Big Coffee Hour, we invite the congregation to bring food items that can be shared with others, so we can have lunch together. If you are able to bring something, you can drop it off in the kitchen when you arrive at the church. Our Big Coffee Hour will double as a reception for our new members. 

JUST Event on Sunday at 1:00 pm

Then last on the list for Sunday. but not least, is our JUST meeting — which is open to anyone. Justice Unites Savannah Together (JUST) is an organization that unites people of different faiths to help with systemic change regarding core issues in our community — like education and affordable housing. After you spend time at Coffee Hour, we will gather in the sanctuary at 1:00 for 20-30 minutes to give you updated information about JUST and to answer any questions you may have. Rev. Claire Marich will be with us to help facilitate.

Using Bulletins Throughout the Week

The chants, the prayers, hymns, and scripture readings that are in your church bulletin are not only useful during the worship service; They can be helpful resources for you throughout the week. During your quiet time, you may want to meditate on the scripture reading or a litany. Perhaps you may want to chant a song we used or simply reflect on the song's lyrics. You may also choose to write "sermon notes" on your bulletin. One time I saw a bulletin that Cheri used to write notes from the sermon. I took a closer look at it, and the note said, "Make sure the oven is off." So, your bulletin can be used in many ways to help you! I encourage you not to discard it, but to use it as resource throughout the week. After all, it's the very first thing that started your week off! 

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13th

Our Youth will again be sponsoring their wonderful Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday at 5:30 PM on February 13th. There are details about the Supper in the February Newsletter. The Supper raises funds to support the mission work of our youth group in the community. 

Ash Wednesday & Valentine's Day - February 14th
Please see the February Newsletter for details.

Ash Wednesday Services:
Wesley Oak Campus - 8:00 a.m.
Asbury Memorial Campus - 12 Noon
Renewal of Vows Ceremony Led by Cheri & Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial - 6:00 pm (In person & online)
February is going to be a great month! Please be sure to read the February Newsletter.

If you are able, please bring food items for BIG Coffee Hour.
