
Dear Church Family, 

I'm looking forward to Sunday as we focus on the third service in a worship series centered around Spending Time in Silence with God. The focus this Sunday will be "Silence and Creation." I hope this series helps prepare us for the special season of Lent - which is just around the corner. Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day this year, February 14th. 

Some Important Dates & Events In February

With Ash Wednesday falling on Valentine's Day, we're having to do things a little different. Normally we offer services on Ash Wednesday at noon and in the evening. But for many years, Cheri and I have been leading a Renewal of Vows Ceremony for married couples in the evening on Valentine's Day. So this year, we'll be offering one Ash Wednesday Service at Asbury. It will be at 12 Noon. Then on the evening of the 14th, Cheri and I will be leading a Renewal of Vows Ceremony at 6:00 PM. The Service is only about 25 to 30 minutes long, so couples will have plenty of time to celebrate their marriage with a dinner together.
Please note that Wesley Oak will also be offering an Ash Wednesday Service. It will be in the morning of the 14th at 8:00 AM. So, there are two opportunities to experience Ash Wednesday: 8:00 AM at Wesley Oak and 12 Noon at Asbury.

Pancakes & Shrove Tuesday

Our Youth will again be sponsoring their wonderful Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday at 5:30 PM on February 13th. There will be details about the Supper in the upcoming February Newsletter, but please go ahead and mark the date in your calendar! The Supper raises funds to support the mission work of our youth group in the community. 

Two Memorial Services Tomorrow

Please be praying for Asbury members, Debbie and Evans Wright and Scott McCoy and family as Debbie and Scott celebrate their mother's life tomorrow. The Memorial Service for Nora Jane McCoy will be Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at Wilmington Island Methodist Church. Debbie and Evans were the Directors of our Youth Program for many years.
Please also be be praying for Asburians Ruth and Todd Foster and their family as we celebrate Ruth's father's life. The Memorial Service for Bob Perry will be Saturday at 2:00 pm at Asbury Memorial. Please also be praying for Bob's wife, Betty. Bob and Betty were married for 64 years.

JUST Event After Church on Sunday, February 4th

Justice Unites Savannah Together (JUST) is an organization that unites people of different faiths to help with systemic change regarding core issues in our community - like education and affordable housing. After church on February 4th, we have the opportunity to gather together to discuss this important ministry in our community. So, after church on the 4th, go to the BIG Coffee Hour, get some food and fellowship with people for a while. Then make your way back to the sanctuary for our discussion.
The picture below is of a special tree in Savannah. I'll tell you all about it on Sunday when we focus on Silence and Creation.