
Church Family, 

What a wonderful time we had over at Wesley Oak last Sunday for our BIG Coffee Hour Brunch! I have never seen the Wesley Oak social hall so full and with so much energy. Thank you to everyone who brought the great food, and thanks for coming to share in the fellowship. We are already planning the next "combined Brunch" at Wesley Oak which will be sometime in the fall. Since it will be cooler, we'll also be able to enjoy the outside grounds of Wesley Oak. 

Service for Bev Blank 

This Saturday, July 6th, we will be having the Memorial Service for longtime Asbury member, Bev Blank. The service will be at Asbury at 1:00 pm. Please be praying for Bev's spouse, Rev. Marilyn Leigh.

No Big Coffee Hour on Sunday - Baking Contest Instead

We will not be having our regular Big Coffee Hour like we normally have on the first Sunday of the month. However, we will still be having some incredible treats. The children and youth are having a Baking Contest, and we get to sample the goodies. So come and enjoy the fun in Holliday Hall after the church service. 

Opportunity to Hear Rabbi Haas & to Support a Good Org.

One of my favorite organizations is the Savannah Center for Blind and Low Vision. SCBLV is not only an important resource for people who are blind, it also helps people who are starting to lose their sight. The work they do at the Center is amazing. Last August, I had the honor of being the keynote speaker at SCBLV's annual fund raiser luncheon. This year, the featured speaker will be Rabbi Haas. There is no fee to attend the lunch, but a reservation is needed to assure having enough box lunches. The event is at 12:00 noon at the Hellenic Center on Friday, August 23rd. It goes from 12:00 - 1:00 pm. If you would like to attend, please contact Asbury member, Roy Hill. Roy is the chair of SCBLV' board and would be happy to reserve a seat for you. Roy's phone number is 912-844-4000. His email address is royhillsav@gmail.com. This is a great opportunity to support a great service to people, to hear Rabbi Haas, and to meet members of Mikve Israel and other caring people in our community. Just give Roy a call or email him. 

My Last Sunday

Speaking of Rabbi Haas, he will be preaching at Asbury on July 14th because I will be taking my summer break after this Sunday. I get excited for our congregation at this time of year because you will have the opportunity to experience other preachers and liturgists. The list of preachers and their bios are in the July Newsletter. Simply click on the newsletter's icon below, and it will take you right to it.
I'll be getting a little R & R during my break, but I'll also be working behind the scenes - trying to get ready for another wonderful year at Asbury...and also working on how we continue partnering with Wesley Oak. We are so blessed and have so many opportunities!
I want to thank you for being the incredible congregation and people that you are. Cheri and I always feel so very blessed to be able to be part of this great community of faith.

Happy 4th of July

I hope each of you has a wonderful 4th of July today. Although our country has many problems and challenges, we also have many blessings. We are thankful for those who went before us who had the courage and wisdom to help create the United States. Please be praying for our country, its leaders, and citizens. 
Love and Blessings to all!