
Church Family, 

We have a lot to celebrate on Sunday. Our VBS children became incredible "campers" this week, and we'll be seeing them in action this Sunday. They will be sharing some of the songs they learned this week. A great big THANK YOU goes to Children's Ministry Director, Chris Kincade, and ALL — and I mean ALL — of the volunteers who committed themselves to this important ministry. 
A great week at VBS isn't the only thing we'll be celebrating on Sunday. We will be welcoming a new class of wonderful people into our church family. Candace Jenkins and I had the pleasure of meeting with them on two occasions, and we so enjoyed getting to know them. You will too. 
Some of our members are already off on summer vacations. But if you are in town, I hope you will make a special effort to be at church on Sunday to welcome our newest members.

BIG Coffee Hour on Sunday

We pushed our BIG Coffee Hour back a week so we could celebrate our Vacation Bible School week and celebrate our New Members after the church service. So please bring food items to share with others on Sunday. You can drop your items off in the kitchen when you arrive. Thanks! 


We have three great events coming up. Two of them are this week and one the following week. 

NIAGARA, Friday, June 14th at 8:00 pm

I am excited that we will have the opportunity to showcase a new musical called, NIAGARA. It will be a concert version of the show and will be presented on Friday, June 14 at 8:00 pm. Asburian, actor, writer, Ryan McCurdy co-wrote the musical. The event is free of charge and allows the audience to experience the inner workings of a new musical. 
Here are two articles about the production: 

HYMN SING, Saturday, June 15th at 1:00 pm

Next Saturday, our Wesley Oak Campus will be hosting a Hymn Sing. Whether you are a seasoned singer or you just love to listen, all are welcome to join in this celebration of faith through music! Corner of Victory Drive and Mechanics Avenue.


Please spread the news about this fund raiser that involves some of the best talent in Savannah and beyond. Ryan McCurdy will be performing. as will J.J. Collins, two of Savannah's best! Coming from Florida will be Kate Jacobson, one of the best pure natural singers I have ever heard. They've also talked me into singing something, but don't let that keep you from coming! 
The Silent Auction starts at 6:30 PM
The Show starts at 7:30 PM
$15 Admission


Many of you know about the recent deaths of church members Bev Blank and Dina Consentino. The dates of their Memorial Services have yet to be determined. 
However, we now have the date of the Memorial Service for Rev. Claire Marich's mother, Carol Harrison. It will be a Zoom service and will be this coming Saturday, June 15th at 11:00 a.m.

A Message from Van Johnson, Mayor of Savannah 

I recently was at a meeting of pastors with Savannah Mayor Van Johnson. Mayor Johnson told us about an important event on June 19th. The next day I received this email from Mayor Johnson. I wanted to be sure to share it with you.

Juneteenth Walk to the River - June 19th 

Mayor Van R. Johnson, II invites the community to join him for the commemorative “Juneteenth Walk to the River” on Wednesday, June 19 to honor the Juneteenth National Independence Day.
The community walk to celebrate freedom will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Wells Park and move north down Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., ending at the Savannah River in front of Plant Riverside.
Juneteenth originated as a celebration to commemorate the end of slavery. On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas to free 250,000 people who were still held in bondage two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. It was the final enforcement of the proclamation that ended slavery in America.
“Juneteenth is not just African-American history, it is American history,” Mayor Johnson said. "As such, I am honored to lead our entire community of various races, faiths, ages, and walks of life in this commemorative and annual walk to the Savannah River.”
Mayor Johnson signed a proclamation in 2020 recognizing Juneteenth Day in Savannah. In 2021, President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act recognizing June 19 as the federal holiday Juneteenth. It was the first new federal holiday since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was adopted in 1983.
“On Juneteenth, we commemorate that day and honor the tireless work of abolitionists who made it their mission to deliver the promise of America for all Americans,” President Biden said in a 2023 public brief. “We honor the generations of activists who have advanced the need for our Nation to recognize Juneteenth as a way to reconcile our past as we build a new American future together.” 
What: Juneteenth Walk to the River
When: June 19, 8:30 a.m.
Where: Wells Park, 2299 Montgomery St.
Van R. Johnson, II, Mayor
City of Savannah, GA 
2 East Bay Street
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 651-6444 


The June Newsletter is now out and about. It's a great way to stay up with the happenings of the church. Please take the time to go through it. It can be found on the church website or simply click here: June Newsletter.
Love and Blessings to all!
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