Dear Asbury & Wesley Oak Family,
Tomorrow during worship we'll continue our Lenten "Tree Series" with a story Jesus told about a Fig Tree.
The first Fig Tree I ever saw was on Tybee Island. Around 1967, when I was about 8, my mother rented a beach house so that my mother, sister, and I could vacation for a week. It was in mid-July. I know because I had a really cool Tybee Birthday Party on July 13th. I couldn't believe it. My neighborhood friends, my school friends, and my cousins actually traveled all the way from Savannah to Tybee for the party! Back in those days, traveling from Savannah to Tybee wasn't like it is today. It was as though my friends had taken a cross country trip from California!
Some of the other memories of that week include putting our big black and white television into our station wagon and hauling it to Tybee for the beach house. Back in those days, rental houses didn't come furnished with televisions. For some reason, I can remember us watching the Miss Universe Pageant one night that week. I also remember that my dog, Honey, came with us. It was the first and only time she ever spent the night somewhere other than our home. She loved it! Lots of wonderful memories. But the one that stands out the most for me is the Fig Tree. It was right in our backyard. I had never seen one before. And this one was a doozy! A huge, full tree with lots & lots of leaves and figs. I couldn't believe you could actually pull these juicy round balls off a limb and eat them. How sweet they were!!!
Unfortunately, the Fig Tree we'll be talking about tomorrow wasn't as productive. It had no fruit. The story is one of Jesus' shortest parables. If you would like to read it, the passage we'll be looking at is Luke 13:1-9. The story about the Fig Tree is only verses 6-9. What do you make of the owner, gardener, and the barren fig tree? Why did Jesus tell this story? And what does it have to do with us? 
Gowns After Church
Our Theatre Committee is trying to work on the Costume Room that is on the second floor of the Education Building. It is overflowing and needs to be thinned out. They are starting with Evening Gowns. If anyone is interested is a gown or two, come by Holliday Hall (our Social Hall) after the service tomorrow. The gowns are free. However, if you would like to make a little donation to AMT, feel free to do so. The Theatre would appreciate it.  
An Interfaith Event: "Stranger/Sister" This Monday, March 28th at 6pm
Asbury Memorial, Masjid Jihad, and Temple Mickve Israel are jointly hosting a "virtual" viewing of the film, Stranger/Sister in celebration of Women's History Month. A discussion will follow the viewing of the documentary. Please invite others to participate in this interfaith event. The meeting ID is 897 26256414. The passcode is: Movie. Stranger/Sister is the story of two women, one Muslim and one Jewish, who dare to believe they can join hands to stop the wave of white supremacist hate surging across the United States. 
Taizé on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
Come get a spiritual massage on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. Using scripture, silence, prayer, and chant-like songs, the Taizé service will quench the thirsting of your soul. This week, Holy Communion will be offered as part of the Service.
Easter Lilies
If you would like to honor or remember a Loved One with one or more lilies on Easter Sunday, please go to the newsletter on our website and read about how to order them. There is an entire page dedicated to Easter Lilies. If you still have questions about it, please call or email the church office. The lilies will be placed in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday.
Easter Egg Hunt on the Wesley Oak Campus
Mark Saturday, April 9th on your calendar for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. It's going to be wonderful! It will be from 10 - 12 on Saturday, April 9th, at Wesley Oak in Thunderbolt.
Speaking of Figs
I leave you with this all-time great television commercial from the 1970s. May it bring you joy! 
See you tomorrow!
Love and Blessings,
Rev. Billy Hester