Roll Down, Justice!


Church Family, 

I hope you are benefiting from our Lenten Worship Services as much as I am. The morning services on Sundays and the Taizé Services on Wednesday evenings have greatly impacted me. I again want to thank our Worship Team for helping with the Lenten series, Roll Justice, Roll — especially for their work on the Asbury Waterfall that is filled with your prayers and petitions. 
If you haven't made it to one of the Taizé Services, please try to experience one. The visual alone will be healing for you. 
There are only two Wednesday Night Suppers and two Taizé Services left (March 13th & 20th). As you can see from the picture above, the Asbury Waterfall has a totally different personality in the evening at the Taizé Service. (Thank you, Mary Ellen Campbell, for supplying the picture above.) Linda Combs and Cathy Solomons were at the church today adding your prayer cloth strips to the waterfall as it continues to grow. Thank you, Linda and Cathy, for your ministry. 

Thank You, Jason

You may have noticed that during our Lenten series, there has been a different drawing of a waterfall on the front of the bulletin each Sunday. There will be a different picture of a waterfall this Sunday, also. All of these drawings have been done by church member, Jason Zimmer, who is an art professor at SCAD. Thank you, Jason, for sharing your gifts with us and for using them to enhance our worship experience.
By the way, our staff and I were recently talking about how many people in our church family are artists - drawing, painting, sculpturing, photography, etc. The staff said that it would be wonderful to have people's art on display during some of our events - like at Coffee Hour, for instance. If you are someone interested in helping plan how we might start displaying artwork, please email me at 

Thank You, Choir

I walked into the choir room this past Wednesday night to thank the choir for their ministry, and I couldn't believe what I saw. The place was packed! I don't think I've ever seen the Choir Room so full. It was overflowing. I think Ray had to have a couple of people sit outside and lean their heads in when it was time for them to sing. 
But, of course, we always have room for more. If you love to sing and would like to be part of the choir experience, Ray will always find a spot for you. So come be with them!
This Sunday, the choir is going to be singing one of my all-time favorite Mark Miller pieces, "I Choose Love."


This is the scariest weekend for clergy. Every minister is concerned that his or her parishioners are going to forget to set their clocks to the correct time on Saturday night. What makes it scary is that this is the time of year when we lose an hour. So be sure to move your clock ahead one hour.

Wednesday Night Supper

Join us this Wednesday at 5:30 for fellowship and food as we break bread together as a church family in Holliday Hall. Please make a reservation by Monday by registering online or by calling the church office. 

Taizé Service on Wednesday

During the season of Lent, we offer a Taizé Service every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. These short, meditative services have become one of our favorite annual offerings for our church family. Come and experience God working within you through hearing scripture, through chanting Taizé songs, and through silent listening. The services start at 6:30 pm and end about 6:55 pm. 
Don't forget to read the March Newsletter and get caught up on all the Asbury-Wesley Oak News! 
I'm looking forward to worshipping with you in person or online on Sunday and Wednesday. 
God bless you!