
VBS Is Almost Here - Help Us With the Most Important Part


Church Family,

How blessed we are at Asbury Memorial. I am constantly being reminded at how God is touching the lives of people through this church family. Just in the last couple of weeks, I heard people in our New Member Class express how the church has impacted their lives. I heard the same kind of sentiment expressed at a recent gathering of our Stephen Ministers. And it seems like every week, I hear about a new person from a different part of the country worshipping with us online. The common theme that keeps being expressed is the love, acceptance, and welcoming spirit that people experience at Asbury and Wesley Oak. Thank you for being this kind of congregation! It's what people need — it's what the world needs. 

It's also what children need. 

Every summer, we have a wonderful Vacation Bible School. Our congregation plans and works hard at having a VBS that children will enjoy. We also make sure that they are touched by love. It's an amazing week. 
We want as many children as possible to have this experience.
SO... please help us spread the word. 
AND... register your children — your grandchildren — your neighbor's children — your coworker's children. 
Do everything you can to help as many children as possible experience VBS. Soccer is fun. Baseball is fun. Dance class is fun. But what children need more than anything else is to know they are loved by their Creator. Please help us get children to VBS. VBS starts next Sunday, June 2nd!

New Member Class Tomorrow

We'll be having the second New Member Class after church tomorrow — lunch is provided. After those in the class greet people at Coffee Hour, please serve yourself in the kitchen and go to the Conference Room across from the water fountain. There we will eat and meet as we did last Sunday. 
We thank the members of our wonderful Kitchen Hospitality Team for their service and for the great meal they supply for lunch. 

Estate Sale at Virginia's House Today from 9 AM to 1 PM

There is going to be an Estate Sale at Virginia Holliday's house today, May 25th, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Virginia was the last of the Elderberries who kept the faith when it looked like Asbury Memorial might close in 1993. Even when told that they should start looking for a new church, Virginia and the other Elderberries kept believing that Asbury had a future. They continued to work hard and welcomed all of the newcomers with great affection. Virginia continued to serve God through her church up until her death last year at the age of 99. If you would like to go by the estate sale, the address is 1217 East 33rd Street. There may also be access to her house on 34th Street since her backyard is so large and goes all the way to 34th Street. 
Thank you to all of the members of the church who organized and worked at the estate sale. 

The Gospel of Dentistry

Some of us have had more than our fair share of dental issues. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing several of my experiences — including a weird dental exhibition I did on a national television show. 
Over time, I somehow discovered God's goodness and grace in my strange and difficult dental adventures. This is the essence of my sermon tomorrow. I look forward to being with you on the corner of Henry Street and Waters Avenue — in person or online.
Be sure you brush your teeth before church! 
Love and Blessings to all!