

Church Family,

Tomorrow, we have the opportunity to help people and organizations in Savannah while also getting to know people of other faith communities. You can also get to know people who are part of Asbury Memorial and Wesley Oak. So what exactly is this win-win experience? 
Many years ago, we became part of a group that desired a way for people of different congregations to come together to help our community through labor. We called it, "Congregation In Service." CIS took a big break during the pandemic. It's now back and will have it's first activity in a long time this Saturday and/or Sunday. Anyone and everyone is invited to participate.

How to be involved?

People will gather at Asbury in Holliday Hall tomorrow morning. Coffee and breakfast treats at 8:00 a.m. Brief devotion at 8:30. Then we'll announce the different options of places to serve. They include:
  • Rearranging the clothes closet for refugees for Inspiritus (bring coat hangers)
  • Filling gift bags for a fund raiser for Safe Shelter
  • Reorganizing a department for Wesley Community Centers
  • Fixing up a garden for a person who received a court order, but can't do it themselves (bring gloves)
  • Picking up garbage in Daffin Park (bring gloves - bags provided)
  • Those wanting to work inside can stay in Asbury's social hall to do No Sew Blankets, paint pillowcases, and/or make cards for nursing homes.
Cheri and I look forward to being with and working with old friends and new friends tomorrow. Hope you can join us! 
Here is the website for Congregations In Service: https://congregationsinservice.com

Holy Communion & BIG Coffee Hour This Sunday

May 5th is the first Sunday of the month so we will be celebrating Holy Communion and will have BIG Coffee Hour after the service. If you are able, please bring food items to share with others so we can have enough for everyone to have brunch together. You can put your food items in the kitchen when you arrive at church. Our Kitchen-Hospitality Team will take it from there. Thanks!
If you are worshipping online with us on Sunday, I hope you will celebrate Holy Communion with us. All you need is to have bread or a cracker and juice or water so that you and those with you can participate with us.

New Member Classes This Month

If you are looking for a church home, we would love to have you be part of the Asbury-Wesley Oak Faith Community. We have New Member Orientation Classes three times a year - and one of those times is soon! We'll actually be meeting after church on the last two Sundays in May, the 19th & 26th. Lunch is provided. If you would like to participate, contact me or Candace Jenkins so we can know how much food to have prepared. You can email me at bghester3@comcast.net or you can email Candace or call her at the church office (912-233-4351). 

Good News for the United Methodist Denomination

If you have not heard, the United Methodists at their recent General Conference finally saw the light and voted to remove the discriminating language against homosexuals. Homosexuals can also now become ordained ministers. We are ecstatic for our United Methodist brothers and sisters, and we are especially happy for Cale Hall, who has been pursuing ordination for some time.
Now the work falls on the United Methodist local churches. Just because the denomination no longer has the discriminating language, it does not mean that all UM churches will be supportive and affirming of LGBTQ people. So let us continue to pray for UM churches and all faith communities of any denomination and religion - that they be supportive and affirming of all human beings no matter their race, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

MAY Newsletter

Be sure to check out the May Newsletter that has just come out. We appreciate all the work that Chris Kincade does putting the newsletter together, and we appreciate those who contribute to it. To see and read the newsletter, just click on the icon at the bottom of this email. You can also get the newsletter on our church website.


Cheri and I just got back from a quick trip to NYC. We got to see that great grandson of ours, but the main purpose for this trip was to have an MRI at Sloan Kettering. I have a cyst on my pancreas that we've been checking for about eight years. Fortunately, it's always been the same size, and it was again this time. In fact, the doctor said, "Let's do one more MRI in 6 months, and if it still has not grown, we'll make it an annual MRI instead of twice a year." So very good news. We are blessed.
I want to thank everyone who helped with Sunday's service last week while we were away How blessed it is to be able to leave the church in the capable hands of so many people. Cheri and I look forward to being back with you this Sunday! 
Love and Blessings to all!


Bring vittles to share with others!!