Church Family,
November is Stewardship Month...when we reflect on the blessings God has bestowed on us and how we use them for God's purposes. During our worship services this month, we learn more about fellow church members and what Asbury means to them. Last Sunday, Bob and Mickie Townsend shared with us. The Townsend family, who drives all the way from Statesboro to worship and commune with us, is a blessing to our church family.
This week, we have a special opportunity to hear from a church member who has traveled even farther than Statesboro — try NEW JERSEY! Terry Harmon is a member of Asbury who resides in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey. Terry helps facilitate our worship services to our Online Community. We look forward to seeing and hearing from Terry IN PERSON!
This Sunday, we will also hear from our Finance Chair, Tom Wages, who will be telling us about the church budget for 2025. Tom is giving us this report because next Sunday, November 24th, is Commitment Sunday when we make our financial pledge for 2025. Hopefully you have received our Stewardship materials in the mail. Included is a a stamped envelope. Someone asked me if they were to put their pledge card in the envelope and mail it to the church. The envelope is included for those who will not be able to attend on the 24th. If you can attend church, please bring your Pledge Card with you so you can place it on the altar during the service next Sunday. If you cannot be there on the 24th, please mail your pledge card to the church and we will place it on the altar for you.
Our wonderful Judy Jones is moving to Franklin, Tennessee. Judy has long blessed our faith community with her talents, her great faith, and her optimistic spirit. She is a friend to many and will be greatly missed. I hope you can be at church on Sunday to wish her well. After the service, we'll have a cake in her honor in Holliday Hall.
What would a conversation be like between Anne Frank and Emmitt Till, two teenagers who died due to discrimination? Anne Frank died in a Concentration Camp during World War II, and Emmitt Till was tortured and lynched by white racists. Playwright, Janet Langhart Cohen, asked that question and created a one-act play called Anne and Emmitt. The play will be presented at Asbury at 4:30 on Sunday. The production is sponsored by The Savannah Jewish Federation. Tickets are $20.
If you're downtown on Sunday afternoon, be sure to drop by the Jewish Food Festival. Try to be there at 2:00 and you'll get to hear the Asbury Choir sing! The festivities are in Monterey Square — across the street from Temple Mickve Israel.
The Coastal Interfaith Green Team will join others Saturday, November 16th from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. to plant trees with the Savannah Tree Foundation at Tricentennial Park near the Georgia State Railroad Museum. If you are interested in helping, wear closed toe shoes and clothes you don't mind getting a little dirty. If you have a shovel, bring it along; otherwise, tools will be provided. Hope you join us!
Post Election Resources & Support for LGBTQ Community
The Savannah Pride Center will offer post-election resources and support for the LGBTQ Community through a gathering at The Sentient Bean on Tuesday, November 19th, at 6:30. This is in preparation for policy shifts that will affect the rights and healthcare of our LGBTQ Community. The Sentient Bean is at 13 East Park Avenue.
P.S. Don't forget!
10 O'CLOCK HOUR - Sunday School for Adults!
Join us every Sunday for fellowship and education as we discuss segments from the great study series, Living the Questions. We meet in the social hall (Holliday Hall) at 10:00 a.m., and we'd love for you to join us. Come have a cup of coffee at 9:45 a.m. as we gather together.
What a Sunday it's going to be!
Hearing Terry Harmon, Tom Wages, blessing Judy Jones, the choir at the Food Festival, and Anne & Emmett. Not to mention, I have a sermon for you that I hope will help you view "giving" in a whole new way.
God bless you! Hope to see you soon!!