Dear Church Family,

Last Sunday's worship service using The Kite Runner was another transforming experience at Asbury. I want to thank all of the actors, the choir, and the people behind the scenes who worked so hard to help create an environment where God's presence can be experienced so tangibly. The icing on the cake was having the Abasy family with us. I'm glad that so many people had the opportunity to meet and talk with them. Our prayers are with them as they continue their transition from Afghanistan to Savannah. 
This Sunday's service is going to be quite different from last Sunday's. In fact, I don't think we've ever experienced anything like we're going to experience on Sunday. All I'm going to say about it is, "Come prepared to laugh!"

Surprise Mystery Guests

We are blessed to be having actor, Jonathan Rabb, back with us this Sunday. Also, J.J. Collins, from our Wesley Oak campus, will be coming over after the Wesley Oak service to sing for us. There will be other special guests involved in the service, but I'm going to keep their identities a mystery...especially since The Play That Goes Wrong is a murder mystery. We don't want to give away the "Who done it?" But I know you will be glad to see these special visitors and will want to greet them after the service. By the way, if the weather permits, we will have our Coffee Hour out in the courtyard this week. 

Peace Pole Event after Church on Sunday at Unity

Unity of Savannah is installing a Peace Pole on their grounds this Sunday in an outdoor ceremony from 1:30-3:00 PM. A Peace Pole is an obelisk that displays the message, "May Peace Prevail on Earth,” in various languages. The words on the Peace Pole at Unity will be written in English, Gullah, Creek, Hebrew, Spanish, Aramaic, Arabic, and Sanskrit. More than 200,000 Peace Poles have been planted around the world in over 190 countries. This Dedication Ceremony will include prayers and blessings from different faith leaders in the Savannah community. Hope you can attend this community event! 

Two Upcoming Memorial Services

There will be a Memorial Service at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 22 for the brother (Kenny Lewis) and nephew (Jason Lewis) of Danny Lewis. Lunch will follow in Holliday Hall. 
There will be a Memorial Service on Monday, Oct. 24, for Harry Hoecherl at 11:00 a.m. at Asbury Memorial. Our prayers continue to be with Sandy and the Hoecherl family as we celebrate Harry's life. A lunch-reception will follow the service in Holliday Hall. 

Monthly Newsletter

Be sure to read the October Newsletter. It is filled with great information about the people and programs of Asbury Memorial and Wesley Oak. 
Two big events this month fall on October 29th:

"PRIDE" & "Trunk Or Treat"

Read all about them and catch up on all the other important news:

Financial News

Offerings and contributions to the church have been up the past two Sundays. For the first time in a long time, we have had two Sundays in a row where the contributions have surpassed our weekly need. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and your commitment to the people and ministries at Asbury!

Be sure to invite at least 3 people to church this Sunday!!!

Hope to see Sunday as we come to church thankful, prayerful, and anticipating the movement of God's Spirit in our lives!
Love, Peace, & Blessings,

