
Church Family, 

What an incredible God On Broadway Series we had. I want to thank everyone who worked so hard at helping make our worship experiences in October so meaningful. In 1981, Franky Schaeffer wrote a book titled, Addicted to Mediocrity. His thesis or complaint was that many Christians often don't give their best when it comes to doing things for the church. "Well it's just for the church, so it will be good enough and acceptable." Franky Schaeffer argues that it should be just the opposite...that because we are doing it for God and God's church, we should not settle for "good enough" - we should do our best.
Well, the people of Asbury do not "settle" when they combine theatre and theology. They give their best...and people's lives are changed because of it. So to those who are involved with creating our God On Broadway worship experiences - singers, painters, builders, costumers, musicians, technicians, and others - thank you very much. I wish you could see the look on people's eyes when they leave the sanctuary. Their souls have been touched.
We move now into November and Stewardship Month. We begin next Sunday with celebrating All Saints Sunday. We invite you to bring a picture of a Loved One(s) who has passed - someone you would like to honor and celebrate. The picture can be up to 5 X 7 size or you could bring an item that represents your Loved One. During the service, there will be an opportunity for you to place the picture or item on tables in our altar area. So please bring a picture of someone you would like to honor and celebrate this year.
Cheri and I will be in New York City most of this week. I have my bi-annual MRI at Sloan Kettering later today. Our grandson turns two years old this week, so we'll also get to be with him for his birthday. We will be back to be with you for Sunday and All Saints!
Love & Blessings,