Church Family, 
What a great Sunday we had last week!! It was wonderful to see so many people in the sanctuary. We still had some available seats in the balcony, but downstairs was packed. More importantly, the Spirit was flowing!
This week, we've left the little village of Anatevka and travelled to Medieval England. We will meet King Arthur and some of his knights of The Round Table. But these are no ordinary knights — these are singing and dancing knights! These are the knights of Monty Python!


The biblical texts that I will be using on Sunday will be:
The three main songs we'll be experiencing from Spamalot are:
I'm All Alone
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Find Your Grail
These are tremendous songs, and I could get about 3 sermons out of each of them! Look at the texts and the songs, and you might can figure out where I'll be going with them on Sunday.

Coffee Hour — Thank You, Wesley Oak!

Last Sunday, the energy that was experienced in worship overflowed to the social hall after the service. How exciting it was to see so many people connecting and conversing - many of whom were meeting each other for the first time. Thank you to those who brought food. 
This Sunday, we're having a special treat as the good folks at Wesley Oak are going to fix some goodies for us to have at Coffee Hour. We appreciate their efforts. Since we'll be using Spamalot in the service, they may even fix us some "spam" treats for us! Can't wait! LOL
By the way, even though the members of Wesley Oak are supplying us with treats, if you feel led to bring something, please do. We'll take all the goodies we can get! Thanks again, Wesley Oak!

Sacred Conversations - A Live Opportunity This Sunday

We'd love for you to participate in a group conversation that can impact the work of JUST (Justice Unites Savannah Together). Here are the opportunities to participate:
*Sunday, October 8th at 9:45 a.m. In Person
Holliday Hall with coffee and pastries
*Thursday, October 12th at 7:00 pm on ZOOM
Meeting: 844 3633 5506, Passcode: Asbury
All are welcome...including your friends and neighbors.

It's "Spooky to be Hungry" FOOD DRIVE

Our youth are sponsoring a Food Drive through the month of October to help support P,AC.K. (People of Action Caring for Kids). Thank you to everyone who has already brought food to the church! For more details about this ministry, please see our October Newsletter. The icon link is at the bottom of this page.


We have New Member Classes three times a year, and NOW is one of those times! Classes will be after church on Sunday, October 22nd and 29th Lunch is provided. The two gatherings give the participants the opportunity to learn more about Asbury and its ministries. It also gives me the opportunity to get to know you. So, if you are looking for a church home, please consider being part of these classes. Since we need to know how many people will be at lunch, we need you to sign up. All you need to do is email me or Candace Jenkins. 
My email address is: bghester3@comcast.net. 
Candace's email is: cjenkins@AsburyMemorial.org.


Let's keep the momentum going! Last Sunday, one of our visitors told me that the service was the most significant experience she'd ever had in a church. We have the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. But we have to get people here for it to happen. If we get them here, God will do the rest. So, invite, invite, invite! 
And if they are unable to be with us in person, invite them to join with us over the airwaves. Join Terry Harman (New Jersey) and Kimmi Sampieri (Costa Rica), who help host our Online Community Campus. Be sure to put in the chat that you are there. God's Spirit is moving in the lives of those who are worshipping with us online, too.
Love & Blessings,

October Newsletter