Dear Church Family,

How wonderful it was to have around 200 people in church last Sunday! Our sanctuary has not had that many people in it at one time for several years. It felt really good! It even felt better when we went over to the Social Hall for our Big Coffee Hour. It seemed like I was standing in a "Miracle Hospital" as I witnessed healing after healing from people communing with one another — seeing old friends — meeting new ones. Come this Sunday to join the healing — to be blessed and to bless the lives of others.

The Kite Runner

When Cheri and I were in New York this past summer, we saw the Broadway production of The Kite Runner. I walked into the theatre not knowing anything about the play. A couple of hours later, I walked out of the theatre saying, "We have to use this show for God on Broadway!" It is that meaningful and powerful. 
As we called upon veteran actor, Jonathan Rabb, to help us with last Sunday's Amadeus, we have called upon actor Jon Goldstein to take the lead role of Amir in The Kite Runner. He is very ably assisted by other actors — a couple of which you will recognize from our Youth Ministry! I can't wait for you to see them in action! 
I don't want to tell you much about the story and the service — the element of surprise is in tune with God-moments. But I'm just saying that you need to do all you can do to get yourself to church on Sunday. I promise you that God will do something meaningful in your life as you worship and fellowship. God with bless you through the music, the prayers, the singing, and the performances. Your spirit will be touched and expanded through this incredible blending of theology and theatre — the Spirit and the Arts.

Special Guests

Since the story of The Kite Runner takes place in Afghanistan, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to extend an invitation to the Abasy family. The Abasys came to Savannah from Afghanistan through a resettlement organization called Inspirtus. Asbury members have had the opportunity to join other Savannahians in helping Afghan refugees like the Abasys with shelter, food, and other basic supplies. I have not had the opportunity to meet the Abasys, and I am really looking forward to seeing them on Sunday. We will try to make sure they stay for Coffee Hour so you can meet them, too. We'll even have a cake in their honor! I hope you will be able to come and meet this courageous family. 

Hurricane Relief

Amazingly, our Mission's chair, Jason Zimmer, quickly organized an opportunity for us to help Hurricane victims in Florida with supplies. On Wednesday night, the Social Hall stage was filled with items. This was accomplished without having time to get the message out to all Asburians. We learned that there is going to be another run of supplies to Florida at the end of this coming week. So again, you are invited to bring items to the church. You can place them on the stage in Holliday Hall. You should have received the list of items needed in a church wide email this past Thursday.

QR Code Added to Bulletin

We had hoped to start adding Asbury's QR Code to the back of the Sunday bulletin last week. To make a long story short, we did add it...but then we had to take it off. But it is back on now. So starting tomorrow, (if your phone is set up to read QR Codes) you can use your phone to be transported magically to the site for making contributions and offerings.

Financial News

This Monday, our Finance Committee will be having a very important meeting. At this time of year, we are usually about $10,000 to $20,000 behind in our budget. We usually are able to make the deficit up by the end of the year because November and December are typically our best months for receiving monetary gifts and offerings. This year, however, we are currently $160,000 behind in our budget. (Please take your time getting up off the floor.) I know this is tough news. We have never been in a position like this — because we have never been hit by a pandemic. We usually receive about $100,000 annually by visitors and constituents offering non-pledged monies on Sundays. Due to the pandemic, we have not had those folks in the pews. 
We obviously need to make some cuts in our budget for 2023. Be praying for the members of the Finance Committee and the Church Council as they seek to make wise decisions. The Staff Relations Committee met this week and will be making good suggestions to the Finance Committee regarding next year's budget. Since we are moving into the season of Stewardship, we will be talking more about our financial situation. We obviously need to ask everyone to do what they can do to help the church financially. The majority of our budget is used for our staff positions. It is our staff that leads and develops all of our programs and ministries. It is our staff that offers help and care to so many people. Candace Jenkins had been a member of Asbury for about 12 years before she joined our staff. About six months into the job, she told me that until she started working at the church, she had no idea the impact the church had on so many people and all of the work that the staff does to try to bring healing and hope to so many people. We want to be able to keep doing what we do.
We realize that we are going to need to make some adjustments due to the large deficit born from the pandemic. But we also want to keep this unique ministry we call Asbury Memorial going and growing. So please be praying for the church and please do all you can to help Asbury financially.
God bless you. 
Hope to see Sunday as we come to church thankful, prayerful, and anticipating the movement of God's Spirit in our lives!
Love, Peace, & Blessings

