The Christians & Other News


Church Family,

What an incredible Sunday we had last week! I want to thank everyone who helped us have a great start to the new church year, which included a Ministry Fair after the worship service. Thank you to all who planned and to those who attended. If you were not able to join us last Sunday and want to know more about our ministries and how to be involved, please call or email Candace Jenkins, our Connectional Ministries Coordinator.

The Christians

The play, The Christians, opened this weekend at Asbury and part of the proceeds of tonight's performance with go to our youth program. So, if you are able to see the show tonight, please do! If you can't see the production tonight, there will be a performance tomorrow and next Thursday—Sunday. We appreciate the actors and production company of Savannah Rep for bringing us The Christians. To get tickets, go to Savannah Rep's website at: 
Here is the article in the Savannah Morning News about the production:

Celebrating the Life of Chris Fahey

Most of you know that our dear friend and church member, Chris Fahey, had a massive stroke this week and made his transition on Thursday. We will be having a Celebration of Life Service for Chris this coming Tuesday, September 20, at 11:00 a.m. It will be in the sanctuary where Chris would often welcome us when he gave the announcements.

Margaret Cook Levy Being Honored on the 22nd

Our long time Mission's Chair, Margaret Cook Levy, will be in New Jersey on Thursday to be part of a celebration in her honor. Many of you know that Margaret dedicated much of her life to Habitat for Humanity. Well, she also did a lot for another great organization. Meals On Wheels. This Thursday, the Meals On Wheels North Jersey will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary and its founder, our amazing Margaret! Congratulations, Margaret! 

Financial Help

In the upcoming weeks and months, you will be hearing more about the church's financial needs. Due to the pandemic and the lower number of people in attendance, our finances have been greatly impacted. Our Finance Committee Chair, Temperance West, and our Stewardship Chair, Helen Downing, and their committee members will be leading us in our endeavors. In fact, they may even be calling upon Tinkerbell to get into pre-pandemic shape and come out of retirement! We'll see what happens. Nevertheless, please be praying about our financial situation and what you can do to help.

Wednesday Night Suppers

Wednesday Night Suppers start back last week, and the meal was fabulous! Even better than the meal was the fellowship and the opportunity to gather again to break bread with friends and church family members. Please join us. We need you there. But be sure to make a reservation so we can have a meal for you.

Sermon: "Mrs. Waze"

Most of us have been blessed to have a GPS to help us when we're driving to a destination. What is your GPS for life? What tools do you rely on for giving you instructions and directions for your life journey? We'll be exploring this tomorrow. Our texts will be Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-16.
Love, Peace, & Blessings,

Below is the Cast of "The Christians"
