Church Family, 
The Sunday after Labor Day is just about here. That means it's time to kick off the new church year! I hope you will be able to worship with us this Sunday. It's going to be a fantastic experience.
Let's first start with the music!
The choir is going to be singing Welcome to the House of the Lord and Joyful! Joyful! - two wonderful pieces of music written by our favorite church music composer, Mark Miller. We'll also be singing hymns that will raise the roof - one of the hymns being, Lord of the Dance!
Chris Kincade will be helping us recognize the children and the youth who are stepping up into new church programs this year. Please be praying for these young people as they experience this new phase in their life.
Janet Wagner and David Alley will be helping lead the congregation into affirming Rev. Lynn Drake's ordination at Wesley Oak's service, and then they will be doing the same for me at Asbury.
For the sermon, I will be talking about the world's best singer — who you've probably never heard of. This singer, along with Psalm 139, has a lot to teach us. 
Then after the service, we'll continue to celebrate the new church year with...

Ice Cream from Leopold's & Hot Dogs from Natopold's!

Yes, we'll be having the great Savannah ice cream created by the three Leopold brothers from Greece, and we'll be having hot dogs cooked by Mr. Eugene Natopold, the great, great, great, great, great grandson of the German inventor of the hot dog, Ivan Natopold. Mr. Natopold has brought with him a team of waiters to serve the dogs. How honored we are to have them all with us on Sunday. So be sure to join us after the service in Holliday Hall!
On your walk down to Holliday Hall from the sanctuary, feel free to sign up for one of the last remaining days on the calendars in the hall as this will be the last day for our Calendar Fund Raiser. We're so close to filling out all the days and reaching the ultimate goal!


During the worship service, I will be trying my best to mention all of the ministries we have at Asbury. That's going to be hard to do because we have a LOT happening. I will mention a ministry and ask those who are involved in the ministry to stand. That way, if there are people who may want to know more about the ministry, they'll know who they can talk to about it. For instance, when I say, "Thursday Men's Group" if all of the men who participate in the group will stand until I call out the next ministry. At the end, I'll ask if I have missed any groups...so be ready to respond if you think of a ministry that I missed. Thanks!


As you can see, this is going to be a GREAT Sunday! It's a wonderful opportunity to invite family members, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances to church. Just think, Leopold's & Natopold's all under the same roof! INCREDIBLE!
I look forward to worshipping with you, eating with you, and being with you on Sunday!
Love & Blessings,