Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Jan Durham

Piano: Ray Ellis & Kay Deffley
Organ: Kay Deffley

Videographer: Patrick Prokop
Video Editor: Patrick Prokop
Audio: Barry Parker
Lighting: Barry Parker

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith — our Hospitality Team, our Ushers and Greeters, our Nursery Workers, and our Children's Church Teachers.

SERMON: "Spiritual Inflation"
This Sunday, Rev. Billy Hester starts by announcing a special "Oscars day" award to Asburian Chris Steiner for his years-long portrayal of Joseph in Asbury's wonderful Christmas Eve services (there have been a number of Asburians who have portrayed Mary, including the Hester daughters), and the congregation gives Chris a heart-warming ovation!

Then, Billy reads an additional scripture passage from the Gospel of Mark (7:31-37) — where Jesus heals a deaf and mute man and tells him not to tell anyone (whereupon the man broadcasts it near and far). After a brief aside about material inflation (represented by restaurants costs over the years), he expounds upon the idea of spiritual inflation, encouraging followers of Jesus to emulate Jesus' way daily.
Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-9 and John 14:15-27; additionally, Mark 7:31-37 from the sermon [NIV Translations; others available at the link]

Audio Version (mp3)

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
