Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Jeanette Purvis

Piano: Sanford Jones & Kay Deffley
Organ: Kay Deffley

Videographer: Patrick Prokop
Video Editor: Patrick Prokop
Audio: Barry Parker
Lighting: Christina Focht

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith — our Hospitality Team, our Ushers and Greeters, our Nursery Workers, and our Children's Church Teachers.

ANTHEM: "In This Very Room"
Asbury Memorial UMC Choir

Words Music by: Ron and Carol Harris
Director: Ray Ellis
Conducted by: Danny Beam
Piano: Kay Deffley
We dedicated the anthem for this Sunday to our faithful Usher and dear friend, Bob Osborn, who made his transition to Eternity March 29, 2016.

SERMON: "Remembering and Letting Go"
Rev. Billy Hester uses the message from John 21, where the risen Christ asks Simon Peter if he loves him three times and when Peter answers "yes," Jesus says repeatedly "feed my sheep." In the story, Jesus is asking Simon Peter to forgive himself for denying Jesus and to start doing what he was called to do — as we all are to do by letting go and tending to what we have been called to do for the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Scripture: John 21:1-19  [NIV Translation; others available at the link]

Audio Version (mp3)

MUSIC FOR THE OFFERTORY: "I Wouldn't Know Me if I'd Never Known You"
Composed and Sung by Asburian Danny Beam

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
