Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Jan Durham

Piano: Ray Ellis & Kay Deffley
Organ: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Videographer: Patrick Prokop
Video Editor: Patrick Prokop
Audio: Barry Parker
Lighting: Christina Focht

Flowers for the service were given in memory of Janie Boyer, Robin Goyne, and Wilfred Goyne by Joan Lee and Julie Goyne.

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith — our Hospitality Team, our Ushers and Greeters, our Nursery Workers, and our Children's Church Teachers.

ANTHEM: "Spirit Sing"
Asbury Memorial UMC Choir

Words by: Mary Martin; Music by: Joseph M. Martin
Director: Ray Ellis
Conducted by: Randy Canady
Piano: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady

Asbury Memorial United Methodist church is taking a stand on senseless gun violence in the City of Savannah by hanging an orange ribbon on the fence for each death in Savannah due to gun violence. As of May 1, the total for this year has surpassed the number to date from last year. 3 more murders occurred this week and Rev. Billy Hester reads their names as the bell tolls for each one.

SERMON: "A God for Introverts and Extroverts"
Rev. Billy Hester uses Scripture from the Book of Acts, which describes the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (50 days after Easter) — the message is that the Spirit of God empowers us to connect to others and to God, breaking barriers of fear, pride, and ego. It also allows us to help God get "out-of-the-box" so others can experience God's Spirit.
Scripture: Acts 2:1-12 [NIV Translation; others available at the link]

Audio Version (mp3)

Rev. Billy Hester announces that Asburian Danny Beam will assume the position of Minister of Music at Hinesville UMC, beginning May 15th, 2016, followed by the benediction and Asbury's customary singing and signing of the classic hymn, "Here I am, Lord.".

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
