Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Jeanette Purvis

Piano: Ray Ellis
Organ: Ray Ellis/Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Violin: Effie Mydell
Tambourine: John Brooks

Videographer: Patrick Prokop
Video Editor: Patrick Prokop
Audio: Stephen Butler
Lighting: Christina Focht-Kincade

Recorder: Barry Parker


The flowers for the service were given in memory of Ned Downing by Callie Downing and Ken Hardigan.

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith — our Hospitality Team, our Ushers and Greeters, our Nursery Workers, and our Children's Church Teachers.

INTROIT: "Come, Child of Light"
Asbury Memorial Choir
Music by:
Lloyd Larson
Director: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Violin: Effie Mydell
Narrator: Sharon Page

ANTHEM: "Now the Heavens Start to Whisper"
Words by: Louise Bringle; Music by: Carlton R. Young
Asbury Memorial Choir
Director: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Violin: Effie Mydell
Tambourine: John Brooks

Now the heavens start to whisper as the veil is growing thin.
Earth from slumber wakes to listen to the stirring faint within:
Seed of promise, deeply planted, Christ to spring from Jesse’s stem!
Like the soil beneath the frostline, hearts grow soft to welcome him.

Heavy clouds that block the moonlight now begin to drift away.
Diamond brilliance through the darkness shines the hope of coming day.
Christ, the morning star of splendor, gleams within a world grown dim.
Heaven’s ember fans to fullness; hearts grow warm to welcome him.

Christ, eternal sun of justice, Christ, the rose of wisdom’s seed,
Come to bless with fire and fragrance hours of yearning, hurt, and need.
In the lonely, in the stranger, in the outcast hid from view:
Child who comes to grace the manger, teach our hearts to welcome you.

The Hospitality team of Asbury Memorial light the Advent Candle
Leaders Chris Beaver, Sally Jilek, and Lance Wilhelm read the passages as the rest of the Hospitality Team participate

SERMON: "Error Card Theology "
Rev. Billy Hester
Scripture: Luke 1:26-38 [NIV Translation; others available at the link]

Audio Version (mp3)

OFFERTORY: "This Angel"
Written by: Jennifer Nettles
Soloist: Allie Barnes
Violin: Effie Mydell
Guitar: David Alley

BENEDICTION: "Here I Am, Lord"
Rev. Billy Hester
Cheri Hester and the Congregation

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
