July 8, 2018

7th Sunday After Pentecost
1st Sunday of Asbury's Summer Preaching Series with Rev. Sue Laurie
Rev. Sue Laurie has been present in the struggle for love and full inclusion for LGBTQ people within the United Methodist Church for over twenty years, working with Reconciling Ministries Network as a witness for Opening Doors, Extending the Table, Remembering Our Baptism, being part of One Family Tree, and Loving Your Neighbor. She received her M.Div. from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in 1995 but was denied ordination because of Book of Discipline rules. She continued to offer ministry however, serving with RMN. At the 2016 UMC General Conference in Portland, OR, she received a “grassroots ordination” with the support of Love Prevails. Sue is married to Julie Bruno, her spouse of 35 years.


Rev. Claire Marich
Rev. Sue Laurie


Piano: Ray Ellis, Rhonda Reed
Organ: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady


Videographer: Pat Prokop
Sound: Paul Schifanelli
Lights: Barry Parker

Bulletin for the Service


The flowers for Sunday's worship service are given in memory of Jack & Ruby Davenport by their family.

Special Thanks:

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for all of us and for our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.




Shirley Sessions
Ray Ellis

Call to Worship

Rev. Claire Marich

Scripture Reading: Mark 6:1-13

John Mason

Song of Meditation: "Be Still and Know That I Am God

Cantor: Greg Martin
Piano: Ray Ellis
Asbury Congregation

Prayers of the People

Rev. Claire Marich

Introduction of Guest Speaker

Rev. Claire Marich

Birthday Greetings to Susie Williams

Greg Martin

Sermon: "Pastime or Passion"

Rev. Sue Laurie
Text: Mark 6:1-13 [NIV Translation; others available at the link]

Audio Version

Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio PlayerAudio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio PlayerAudio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player
(To download a copy of the mp3 file, right-click here and select "save link/target as")

Offertory: "Call on Me'"

Written by: Stephen Reed
Sung by: Stephen Reed
Piano: Rhonda Reed
Assistant to Rhonda: Kay Deffley

Closing Hymn: "Lord, Whose Love and Humble Sevice

Piano: Ray Ellis
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Asbury Congregation

Benediction and "Here I Am, Lord"

Rev. Sue Laurie
Cheri Hester

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
