The  flowers for today’s service are given in memory of Ruth Ellen Lee by Ernie Lee.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for all of us and for our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our greeters, ushers, connecters, nursery workers, children's church teachers, and Asbury's Hospitality Team.
Call to Worship and Palm Sunday Processional
Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Asbury Children
Pre-Sermon Announcements
Including funeral service plans for Cecile Crockett, a long-time Asbury Memorial member; further information about the upcoming visit by our German Methodist guests; services during Holy Week and the "Living Cross" in the courtyard on Easter Sunday; a farewell to the "Asbury Snowbirds" who migrate north every spring; and birthday greetings to Marie Winters (96).
(To download a copy of the mp3 file, right-clickhere and select "save link/target as")
Offertory: "Lift High the Palms"
Written by: Joseph M. MartinÂ
Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Bass: Doug Povie
Benediction and "Here I Am Lord"
Rev. Billy Hester reminds the congregation not to forget Maudy Thursday (the last supper), not to run past Good Friday (the crucifixion), and not to speed to Easter Sunday (the resurrection); and to go in the Lord's Peace. The Asbury Memorial Choir closes with the choral version of "The Lord's Peace," and the congregation exits the sanctuary in contemplative silence.