May 12, 2019

Fourth Sunday of Easter


Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Claire Marich


Piano: Ray Ellis, Kay Deffley
Organ: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Bass: Doug Povie


Videographer: Pat Prokop
Sound and Light Technicians:
  Lexi Kern
  Barry Parker

Bulletin for the Service â–º


The flowers for the service were given by Deborah G. Bowen in loving memory of her mother, Cleo Griffin

Special Thanks:

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for all of us and for our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our greeters, ushers, connecters, nursery workers, children's church teachers, and Asbury's Hospitality Team.

Announcements and Call to Worship

Angie Jenkins
Ruthie Duran Deffley (about the upcoming screening of Killing Us Softly on May 21)
Mary Ellen Campbell and entourage (about a sunrise service at Tybee Island pier for the children on June 15)

Song of Meditation: "Gentle Shepherd" and Prayers of the People

Sextet (left to right): Rev. Billy Hester, David Alley, Will Telljohann, Danny Beam, Nick Deffley, and Greg Martin
Rev. Claire Marich
The Asbury Memorial Congregation

Psalter and Scripture Reading: Psalm 23 and Acts 9:36-43 [NIV Translation]

Three of the four Confirmation Class members lead the congregation in readling Psalm 23, and Dottie Kluttz reads the selection from the Book of Acts.

Pre-Sermon Announcements

Before his sermon, Rev. Billy reminds the congregation of the New Member Orientation classes coming the last two Sundays in May and offers birthday wishes to Ellie Gonye (83) and Don Stahl (84).

Sermon: "What's a Gazelle Doing on Sheep Sunday?"

Text: Psalm 23 and Acts 9:36-43 [NIV translation]
Rev. Billy Hester

Audio Version

Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player Audio Player
(To download a copy of the mp3 file, right-click here and select "save link/target as")

Offertory: "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need"

An American Folk Hymn arranged by: Mack Wilburg
Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady

Benediction and "Here I Am, Lord"

Rev. Billy Hester
Cheri Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
