Vacation Bible School Information
Cheri Hester with robot EP3-20 give information for the upcoming Vacation Bible School, "To Mars and Beyond," to be held Sunday, June 2, through Friday, June 7, from 5:30pm—8:30pm. Dinner will be served every evening. Total cost per child is $20 (for the whole week!) with a maximum family cost of $50.
Service of Confirmation
The Confirmation of: Samuel Pelham Crisp, Alexander Culhane Knox, Marshall Chase Lego, and Bay Anderson Luke by Rev. Billy Hester and Rev. Claire Marich.
Children Recognized as They Step Up to Next Level
Several children in the pre-school grades and the lower-grade children are recognized in their "Stepping up" to the next level by Ruthie Duran Deffley and Ashley Stroud.
Recognition of Graduates
High School, College, and Graduate School graduates are recognized by Rev. Billy Hester and Rev. Claire Marich.
Danny Beam
Pre-Sermon Announcements
Before his sermon, Rev. Billy announces Tuesday's upcoming documentary movie at 5:30 pm, "Killing Us Softly 4,"Â the current New Members class, information about the National Methodist conference in Kansas this week, and a happy birthday greeting to Joan Hester Byrd (90).
Sermon: "Home, Plows, and Wow Moments!"
Rev. Billy Hester
Offertory: "In the Shadow of Your Wings"
Written by: Ken Medema and Ron Harris
Arranged by: Ron Harris
Soloist: Nick Deffley
Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady
Bass: Doug Povie
We hope you feel blessed by this service!