November 10, 2019

22nd Sunday after Pentecost


Rev. Billy Hester


Piano: Ray Ellis, Kay Deffley
Organ: Kay Deffley
Keyboard: Randy Canady
Flute: Pat Youngquist
Bass: Doug Povie


Videographer: Pat Prokop
Sound and Light Technicians:
  Barry Parker
  Stephen Swanger

Bulletin for the Service â–º


The flowers for Sunday's worship service are given in celebration of Shelbi Hanton’s 20th birthday by Jim and Alice Burris.

Special Thanks:

Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day so meaningful and wonderful for all of us and for our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.


Angie Jenkins

Call to Worship
Opening Hymn: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" (#89)
Congregational Prayer (see bulletin)
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

Infant Baptisms: Twins Harriett Shea Munro and Walter Neil Munro

Parents: Ross and Natalie Munro
Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Richard Allen
Asbury Memorial Congregation

2020 Church Budget

Cynthia Herold, Finance Committee Chair

Scripture Reading: Luke 19:1-10 [NIV]

Reader: Rev. Richard Allen

Special Thanks to Cynthia Herold, Finance Chair

Rev. Billy Hester

Recognition of Veterans

With special shout-out to Asburian Nico Meraz, now serving in Kuwait.
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

Pre-Sermon Announcements

Including congratulations to Mimi and Spencer Numer on the birth of their twins, to Ashley Bolfik Stroud who expects delivery in about three weeks (she will take a break from her work with Asbury's Children and Family Ministries). The children threw her a surprise shower during the service, and the congregation sent best wishes via a phone call from the sanctuary. Also, birthday wishes to Shelbi Hanton (20), Neil Austing (81), L.A. Lanier (86), and Claire Knight (90).
Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

Hymn: "America the Beautiful" (#696)

Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

Sermon: "Just What You're Looking For"

Text: Luke 19:1-10 [NIV; other translations available at link]
Rev. Billy Hester

Offertory Music: "America the Beautiful"

Piano: Ray Ellis

Anthem: "One Step He Leads"

Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady
Bass: Doug Povie

Doxology and Prayer of Dedication

Rev. Grady Mills
Asbury Memorial Congregation

Closing Hymn: "Jesus Saves"

Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation

The Benediction and "Here I Am, Lord"

Rev. Billy Hester
Cheri Hester

We hope you feel blessed by this service!
