Call to Worship
Opening Hymn: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" (#89)
Congregational Prayer (see bulletin)
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Infant Baptisms: Twins Harriett Shea Munro and Walter Neil Munro
Parents: Ross and Natalie Munro
Rev. Billy Hester
Rev. Richard Allen
Asbury Memorial Congregation
2020 Church Budget
Cynthia Herold, Finance Committee Chair
Scripture Reading: Luke 19:1-10 [NIV]
Reader: Rev. Richard Allen
Special Thanks to Cynthia Herold, Finance Chair
Rev. Billy Hester
Recognition of Veterans
With special shout-out to Asburian Nico Meraz, now serving in Kuwait.
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Pre-Sermon Announcements
Including congratulations to Mimi and Spencer Numer on the birth of their twins, to Ashley Bolfik Stroud who expects delivery in about three weeks (she will take a break from her work with Asbury's Children and Family Ministries). The children threw her a surprise shower during the service, and the congregation sent best wishes via a phone call from the sanctuary. Also, birthday wishes to Shelbi Hanton (20), Neil Austing (81), L.A. Lanier (86), and Claire Knight (90).
Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Hymn: "America the Beautiful" (#696)
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Sermon: "Just What You're Looking For"
Text: Luke 19:1-10 [NIV; other translations available at link]
Rev. Billy Hester
Offertory Music: "America the Beautiful"
Piano: Ray Ellis
Anthem: "One Step He Leads"
Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis
Piano: Kay Deffley
Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady
Bass: Doug Povie
Doxology and Prayer of Dedication
Rev. Grady Mills
Asbury Memorial Congregation
Closing Hymn: "Jesus Saves"
Leader: Rev. Billy Hester
Asbury Memorial Congregation
The Benediction and "Here I Am, Lord"
Rev. Billy Hester
Cheri Hester
We hope you feel blessed by this service!