The flowers for Sunday's worship service are given in memory of David Eason and Irene Taylor by the Eason family.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.
Prelude "Joy to the World"
Four Hands Piano Duet: Kay Deffley and Warren Heilman
Sandy McCloud
Lighting the Advent Candle of Love and Choral Response Prayers of the People
Margaret Clay and Carlton Angell Choral Response: Asbury Memorial Choir
Directed by: Ray Ellis Piano: Kay Deffley Rev. Susan Karlson
Rev. Billy Hester makes several announcements, including the birth of Ashley Bolfik-Stroud and husband David's daughter, recognition to those who volunteer at the church, a reminder about the 6:30pm Christmas Eve Service, congratulations to Rev. Susan Karlson on her new position at the Unitarian Universalist Church and Danny Beam on his new position as Minister of Music at White Bluff United Methodist Church, and best wishes to Dottie and Jim Kluttz on their 53rd wedding anniversary.
Sermon: "The Unsung Hero"
Rev. Billy Hester
Sermon Audio (MP3)
(Download a copy of the audio: right-clickhere and select "save link (or target) as"; then select a destination on your computer and click OK.)
Offertory: "The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns"
Writtem by: Charles McCartha Directed by: Ray Ellis Piano: Kay Deffley Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady Cello: Sarah Povie
Cloths for the Cradle
On the 4th Sunday of Advent, the Asbury Memorial congregation traditionally places the cloth strips they carried during Advent into the cradle, which will be used in the nativity scene during the Christmas Eve service.
Song: "Grown-Up Christmas List"
Music: David Foster Lyrics: Linda Thompson-Jenner Appended verse by: Amy Grant