Prelude "There's a Song in the Air" Call to Worship Hymn: "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
Piano Solo: Kay Deffley Rev. Billy Hester The Asbury Memorial Congregation sings as the Asbury Memorial Choir processes in.
Invocation and Announcements
Guidance for the celebration of Communion, an invitation to join in caroling in the neighborhood after the service, and a special visit from "Henry Anderson" (Hank) who grew up homeless in the neighborhood. Rev. Billy Hester
Written by: Mark Miller Soloist: Addison Stelzer Asbury Memorial Choir Director: Ray Ellis Piano: Kay Deffley Assistant to Kay: Randy Canady Â
Reading: "One Solitary Life" Lighting of Christ Candle
Mary hands the loaf of bread, representing the Christ child, to Hank, who breaks it and gives it to Rev. Billy Hester in preparation for Holy Communion.
Reader: David Alley Hank and the Holy Family
Piano: Ray Ellis
Mary: Barbara-Jean King Joseph: Chris Steiner Hank: David Palmer
Communion Song: "Oh, How I Love Thee"
Rev. Billy Hester sings this song of love, kneeling at the cradle, during Holy Communion.
Lighting of the Candles
Rev. Billy Hester passes the flame from the Christ candle to the shepherds, who pass the flame to the congregation.
Candlelight Hymn: "Silent Night"
After the Christ light is passed to all of the congregation, they sing "Silent Night" as the Holy Family, the shepherds, the angels, and our beloved "Hank," with the Star of Bethlehem, gather around the manger.