The flowers for Sunday's worship service are given in appreciation for our church staff.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.
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Call to Worship and Hymn: "We Three Kings"
Rev. Billy Hester Asbury Memorial Congregation Three Kings: Chuck Long, Chuck Eyler, and David Alley
Sermon: "More Epiphanies than Stars in the Sky"
Rev. Billy Hester
Sermon Audio (MP3)
(Download a copy of the audio: right-clickhere and select "save link (or target) as"; then select a destination on your computer and click OK.)
Offertory: "Star-Led and Wonder Bound"
Written by: Mary Kay Beall Directed by: Ray Ellis Piano: Kay Deffley Assistant to Key: Randy Canady Bass: Doug Povie