The flowers for Sunday's worship service are given in honor of James T. Harrelson by Andrea Harrelson.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.
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Hospitality Team Invitation
Rev. Billy Hester Ray Ellis ("Chef Raylegi") An invitation to a seminar on hospitality from chef 'Raylegi' with special interests in using food preparation equipment, food handling and storage, serving drinks, and table cloth care. This will be Sunday, February 23.
Anthem: "Grace Before Sleep"
Written by: Susan Labarr
Directed by: Susan Fogarty
An ensemble from the visiting  Deland, Florida, High School Choir Â
Extra Announcements
Rev. Billy Hester About the beginning of Lent, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner (February 25, 5:45-6:30 p.m.) to benefit the Youth Group's summer mission trip, and happy birthday wishes to Zoey Kaar (7) and Grayson West (8).
Sermon: "Choose Life, Choose Love"
Rev. Billy Hester
Sermon Audio (MP3)
(Download a copy of the audio: right-clickhere and select "save link (or target) as"; then select a destination on your computer and click OK.)
Offertory: "Bonse Aba"
Written by: Andrew Fischer Directed by: Susan Fogarty
Zambian, "All People," "All who sing have the right to be called children of God" The visiting  Deland, Florida, High School Choir Â