The flowers for Sunday's worship service were to be given in memory of BeBe (Janice Gantt) by the Sires family: Billy, Jeri, Billy, Max, Christina, and Adelanie.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday at Asbury, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the day meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our visitors. We thank those unsung heroes of faith—our hospitality team, ushers, greeters, connectors, nursery workers, and children's church teachers.
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The Earth Day Sunday Online Worship Service ... Since we celebrated Earth Day this week, we will be celebrating God's creation.
Sarah and Sam Povie accompanying as we sing, "This is My Father's World."
Ray Ellis plays a very special arrangement of the song, "What a Wonderful World."
Rev. Claire Marich leads us in prayer.
And our choir sings the wonderful anthem, "Creation Sings."
We also have a very, very special guest leading us in our "Sunday Stretches" before Billy's sermon.
Sermon: "The Yellow Brick Road to Emmaus" — Rev. Billy Hester.
Music: "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" played by Ray Ellis and Randy Canady; "This is My Father’s World" from the United Methodist Hymnal, #144; and "What a Wonderful World" written by Bob Thiele & George David Weiss, sung by Ray Ellis.