We extend a cordial welcome to each person worshipping with us in person or online. We hope the service will leave you feeling renewed, fulfilled, and challenged. God bless you all!
Rev. Billy Hester Chris Kincade, Director, Youth Ministry Ray Ellis, Music Director
The flowers for the worship service are given by the Hesters in honor of Chelsea and Chris Bradt’s 2nd anniversary (February 8) and in honor of Wendell and Wesley Hester’s birthday today (February 13).
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make each service meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our online visitors. We thank those heroes of our faith: control room and live streaming techs, videographers, video editors, sound editors, font editors, and many others.
Copyright License #2291323 Streaming License #20116968 Short clips in our services used in compliance with Fair Use.
Worship Service Video (synopsis below)
Prior to the service, enjoy centering music while announcements rotate. The service begins approximately 3:08 into the video.
NOTE: For this service, members Warren Heilman (piano) and Holland Morgan (organ) filled in for Ray Ellis and Kay Deffley.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rev. Billy Hester, including special birthdays for Judith Jones (83), Val Utsey (87), Zoe Kaar (9), Grayson West (10) Renewal of Vows Zoom event Valentine's Day at 6:00p Notice of an anonymous survey that is being sent to all members as part of determining our new identity as a merged church.
INTROIT: "Jesus, Friend of the Friendless" — Billy and the congregation, with Warren Heilman on piano
CALL TO WORSHIP: Rev. Billy Hester
HYMN: "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" Stanzas 1,3,5,6 (No. 117)
PSALTER: Psalm 1 (No. 738)
INVITATION TO GODLY PLAY — Ellie Covington, Director of Family and Children's Ministry
HYMN OF PRAYER: "Be Glorified" — All
PRAYER AND THE LORDS PRAYER: Chris Kincade, Director of Youth Ministries
CHORAL AMEN: Asbury Memorial Choir
SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:17-26 (NSRV) — Mickie Townsend
HYMN: "Jesus' Hands were Kind Hands" (No. 273)
SERMON: "The Dualism of God" — Rev. Billy Hester
HYMN: "Shalom to You" (No. 666)
BENEDICTION: Rev. Billy Hester
RESPONSE: "Here I Am, Lord" — Congregation, led by Cheri Hester