Maundy Thursday Service — "Do this in remembrance of me"
We extend a cordial welcome to each person worshipping with us in person or online. We hope the service will leave you feeling renewed, fulfilled, and challenged. God bless you all!
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Video for the service (synopsis below)
The service begins at ~10:20 into the recording. Rotating announcements appear before that.
PRELUDE: Asbury Musicians
CALL TO WORSHIP: Rev. Billy Hester
HYMN & GOSPEL READING: "Jesu, Jesu" (Hymnal #432) Â Stanza 1: John 13:1-5 Â Stanza 2: John 13:6-11 Â Stanza 3: John 13:12-17 Â Stanza 4: John 13:33-35 Â Stanza 5
Tonight, we recall the last meal Jesus had with his friends before his arrest. He did two things that evening that have profound significance for Christians. Wrapped in a towel, he washed the feet of his disciples. By this act, he radically crossed the boundary of privilege and power that divided teacher from student. He then invited us to follow his lead by giving his disciples a new commandment or mandate – to love one another as he had loved them. Then Jesus took bread and wine and offered it to his disciples as a symbol of his self-offering and as a means of sharing his death and resurrection.
HOLY COMMUNION LITURGY: Rev. Bob Chvatal (see bulletin insert)
ANTHEM: "In Remembrance of Me" — Asbury Memorial Choir, directed by Ray Ellis
PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING: Rev. Bob Chvatal (see bulletin)