We extend a cordial welcome to each person worshipping with us in person or online. We hope the service will leave you feeling renewed, fulfilled, and challenged. God bless you all!
Rev. Billy Hester Rev. Claire Marich
Rev. Bob Chvatal Ray Ellis, Music Director
Ray Ellis, Piano
Kay Deffley, Organ and Piano Randy Canady, keyboard
The flowers for today's service are given in memory of Janice Gantt by her family.Β
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make the service meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our online visitors. We thank those heroes of our faith: control room and live streaming techs, videographers, video editors, sound editors, font editors, and many others.
Copyright License #2291323 Streaming License #20116968 Short clips in our services used in compliance with Fair Use.
Worship Service Video (synopsis below)
Enjoy centering music while announcements rotate. The last rotation is atΒ 6:46 into the video; the service begins at 7:50.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rev. Billy Hester, including: * Special birthdays: Barbara Plank (81) and Anita Clay (100) * Special anniversary: Joe and Peggy Zeigler (59th) * Memorial Service for Kelly Barrett Saturday, April 30 at 11:00 in the Asbury sanctuary, with reception and lunch to follow in Holliday Hall * Memorial service for Peter DeCordova at St. Peter's Church on Skidaway Island at 1:30pm Monday, May 2 * JUST "Nehemiah Action" meeting at Johnny Mercer Theater Monday May 2nd at 6:15βthis year's issues are affordable housing and criminal justice reform
INTROIT: "Christ is Risen" β Asbury Memorial Choir directed by Ray Ellis; Kay Deffley, piano; Randy Canady, keyboard
CALL TO WORSHIP: Rev. Claire Marich
HYMN: "Let All Things Now Living" (see bulletin insert)
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: β Rev. Billy Hester (see bulletin insert)
HYMN: "Easter People, Raise Your Voices" (Hymnal #304)
SERMON: "Witness" β Rev. Claire Marich
COMMISSIONING OF JUST TEAM LEADERS: Rev Claire Marich Leaders: Carol Anderson, Laura Armitage, Paula Avena, Tim Burkett, Margaret Clay, Sandy Golden, Ann Fenstermacher, Judith Jones, and Kathy Hodges
OFFERING: "People Need the Lord" β Asbury Memorial Choir, directed by Ray Ellis; Kay Deffley, piano
HYMN: "He Lives" (Hymnal #310)
BENEDICTION: Rev. Claire Marich
RESPONSE: "Here I Am, Lord" β Congregation, led by Cheri Hester