9th Sunday after Pentecost & 4th Sunday of Summer Preaching Series
Chris Kincade, Guest Speaker
His greatest accomplishment — being Fitz’s dad.
He is currently serving our campuses as:
Youth Director for Asbury Memorial / Wesley Oak
Children and Families Ministry Director for Asbury Memorial / Wesley Oak
Communications Director for Asbury Memorial
Chris is a huge fan of musicals and writing.
He is married to the most amazing wife, Bridgette Kincade.
We extend a cordial welcome to each person worshipping with us in person or online. We hope the service will leave you feeling renewed, fulfilled, and challenged. God bless you all!
Rev. Lynn Drake Chris Kincade, Guest Speaker Ray Ellis, Music Director
Ray Ellis, piano Kay Deffley, Organ Randy Canady, Keyboard
The flowers for the worship service are given in honor of Jim Kluttz’s birthday by Dottie Kluttz.
Special Thanks:
Every Sunday, there are people who work behind the scenes to help make each service meaningful and wonderful for all of us and our online visitors. We thank those heroes of our faith: control room and live streaming techs, videographers, video editors, sound editors, font editors, and many others.
Copyright License #2291323 Streaming License #20116968 Short clips in our services used in compliance with Fair Use.
Worship Service Video (synopsis below)
NOTE: The service begins at ~15:00 into the video. Rotations of the announcements appear from the beginning.
PRELUDE: "When Morning Gilds the Skies" — Asbury Musicians
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Candace Jenkins Jason Zimmer announces that choir rehearsals begin next Wednesday and encourages folks to join the choir, Special Birthdays (80 or above): Diane Connor "Raise the Roof" Capital Campaign is ongoing — select your date(s) to contribute on the church website. New Member Orientation Classes come last two Sundays in October—contact church office to sign up.
INTROIT: Ray Ellis, piano
CALL TO WORSHIP: Rev. Lynn Drake
HYMN: "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" (hymnal #400) — Stephen Reed, leader